About us

Hi, you are now on Fabriclook.com.

We are a B2B sourcing platform, combining the fabric trade with digital technology.

We are a dynamic team in the fabric market with advanced technology and years of experience in analysing the requirements of fabric sellers and buyers

We want to present all professionals with top manufacturers' highest quality collections using AR and AI - the latest trends in contemporary technology.

Easily choose from thousands of fabrics provided by hundreds of suppliers. Connect anywhere, on the web or with our mobile and tablet app.

If you need any assistance, our experienced team is always ready to lend a hand.

Fabriclook.com "for fabric love..."

Our Team

Süleyman Güler
Süleyman Güler

CEO, Co-founder

Fatih Fazlı Çığ
Fatih Fazlı Çığ

CFO, Co-founder

William Smith
Can Paçacı

Frontend Developer

Yasin Muratoğulları
Yasin Muratoğulları

Backend Developer

Sedef Geyik
Sedef Geyik

Sales and Marketing Manager

Atilla Tahsin
Atilla Tahsin

Sales and Marketing Manager

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